Olivia Thirlby talks about Her Character in ‘Dredd’ Movie

Actress Olivia Thirlby doesn’t look like the type to play an officer who will be the judge, jury and executioner of criminals—but it sounds like she definitely had fun researching and playing a character.

MTV News caught up with Thirlby at the Sundance Film Festival this week, in which she was promoting the indie flick drama “Nobody Walks.”

Thirlby will play Judge Cassandra Anderson, an officer who works with Judge Dredd (played by Karl Urban). The character is based off the comic books, so she researched her character off those sources.

“She was drawn by a bunch of different people and written by a bunch of different people. So there’s lots of different Andersons. There’s very like sassy Andersons. And there’s like sad Andersons, kind of burdened Andersons,” she said about the comic book characters. “I played her based off on how I could relate to her and the wonderful script by Alex [Garland] wrote.”

She enjoyed the time on the set and tried to make the Judge Anderson look good to the audiences.

“It’s very fun. Very challenging. Very hard work. It’s a whole different set of challenges,” she said of the production of the movie. “I have to learn not to look like a spazz when shooting a gun. You make those kind of things look believable.”

“Judge Dredd” is directed by Pete Travis (“Vantage Point,” “Endgame”). And it will be released later this year on September 21.

Check out the short interview from MTV News below:

Source: MTV News