‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Has Found One Of Its Villains

star wars millenium falconWith filming set to start within the next few months, be ready for an onslaught of casting news for Star War: Episode VII. According to THR, we may be on the cusp of the first official casting announcement. The trusted outlet has just reported that Adam Driver, of HBO’s Girls, is nearing a deal to play a villain in J.J. Abrams’s hotly anticipated relaunch of the Star Wars saga.

Adam Driver

That’s not all. While THR says that the exact details are still sketchy, the villain Driver would portray is said to be in the vein of Darth Vader. So, if this is true, he won’t be just some “mini-boss” like a Darth Maul. He’d be a prominent villain that would likely stick around for the entire new trilogy. In fact, it was this very role that Hugo Weaving and Michael Fassbender had apparently been pursued for, which means this one is a biggie, folks.

Driver has apparently been on LucasFilm’s shortlist for quite some time, and the roadblock all along has been his Girls schedule. It’s safe to say that they found a way to work it all out now, though.

His name was first linked to Star Wars in January, by THR, and this wasn’t the first time that his name had come up in connection to a major tentpole. You may recall his name also popped up late last year as a contender for a role in Batman vs Superman, with the word on the street that it would be some variant of Robin or Nightwing. It’s clear, then, that the former US Marine is doing something right. These large scale projects, under the watchful eyes of the most powerful studios in Hollywood, keep having him in mind for something.

Keep your eyes and ears opened, my friends. The coming weeks and months will be full of announcements like these as we prepare to return to that galaxy far, far away.

SOURCE: The Hollywood Reporter

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