The West Wing ran on NBC for seven seasons from 1999-2006. The political drama was created by one of the more sought after writers in Hollywood, Oscar winner Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network, Moneyball, A Few Good Men).
Sorkin’s directorial debut, Molly’s Game, a film he also wrote the screenplay for, is set for release in January of next year. The famed writer recently spoke with The Hollywood Reporter and talked about his idea for a revival of The West Wing:
“Sterling K. Brown as the president, and there’s some kind of jam, an emergency, a very delicate situation involving the threat of war or something, and [President] Bartlet [played by Martin Sheen], long since retired, is consulted in the way that Bill Clinton used to consult with Nixon.”
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Since Sorkin has a standing offer from NBC to reboot The West Wing, whether or not the series is brought back looks to be on Sorkin, and how serious he is about revisiting the show and building off the idea he mentioned above.
With today’s political climate, it is likely a reboot of the once popular show would do well. Though, if we are going to discuss bringing back Aaron Sorkin series, personally, I would rather see a reboot of The Newsroom.
Sorkin won a Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar for 2010’s The Social Network, and was nominated for the same award with Moneyball a year later, but lost out to The Descendants.
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Source: THR