The series Adventure Time has been carrying Cartoon Network for nearly a decade but the long-running series finally has a set date, September 3rd, for the finale “Come Along with Me.” The name for the finale comes from the theme song which pans over the Land of Ooo in a post-apocalyptic world. This news came in the form of a trailer which that shows “Finn and Jake will face the ultimate adventure!” fighting Gumbald and his army. The official synopsis details the four-episode arc that ends the adventures.
BMO narrates the Great Gum War in which Princess Bubblegum, Finn, Jake, Lady Rainicorn, Marceline, Flame Princess, Lemongrab, Slime Princess, Duke of Nuts, Huntress Wizard, and Lumpy Space Princess band together to battle Gumbald and his army.
It is a bittersweet moment for most fans as they have been eagerly anticipating the “Come Along with Me” though this also marks the end of an eight-year series. From the trailer, it appears that the show will be a good synopsis of the series to this point in the show. What once started out as innocent adventures has become increasingly darker in recent years as the challenges have increased immensely with Gumbald and the Lich King. The 10th season of the show has been leading up to the final battle in the series which upped the stakes for the kingdom. Though we all know who will win there will definitely be twists along the way.
Let us know your thoughts. Are you looking forward to the finale of Adventure Time?