According to the ever reliable Production Weekly, Agatha: Coven of Chaos films this January. The show’s production is listed alongside Gandja Monteiro (Wednesday) as director and Jac Schaeffer as writer/director. Agatha will follow the tale of Agatha Harkness, last seen under a hex and still living in Westview at the close of WandaVision.
This news follows a report by The Illuminerdi that said some early shots would happen in December, but that filming would commence properly in January. Additionally we knew things were gearing up because of the casting stories we’ve heard recently. You can follow that trail of casting news from the related link below.
RELATED: More Agatha: Coven Of Chaos Casting News
However we also shared rumors about the Plot and Directors recently also if you want to catch up on all the latest Agatha rumblings? I won’t share any potential plot details here, but you can find them in the link above for plot.
One thing is for sure and that’s that we will get to see plenty more of Kathryn Hahn as Agatha. For now it looks like she may be squaring off against Aubrey Plaza’s character, though that remains to be seen?
Given that Agatha: Coven of Chaos films this January, there is a chance the show will be ready before the end of 2023. Which fits that SDCC timeline we were given. However, one does wonder, looking at the Halloween season and thinking Agatha would fit great there? Maybe that’s not enough time from start to finish to make Halloween 2023? Plus, I need to remember the rest of the world isn’t like Scotland. We get no Fall and just straight into Winter by the end of October. Ergo, it’s like November or December before we see Agatha: Coven of Chaos on Disney+.
So, it looks like Agatha: Coven of Chaos films this January. As always, leave us any thoughts about Agatha below in the usual place.