You’re here for my Ahsoka Episode 7 review and I’ll start by saying, it’s aight, but nothing special. As always, I’ll be keeping spoiler free when it comes to the plot, though a little can seep in here and there. Ultimately, I enjoyed this episode, but for the penultimate in the series, it’s a shorter episode and focuses really on one set piece. There’s a plenty of action this week, but That’s also kind of where I had some criticisms.
Drama, when?
I think my slight disappointment with Episode 7 is the lack of any real drama. Now, that depends how you define drama. I do not define drama by main characters being in scraps that I know with absolute conviction they’re getting out of. As for the action itself, I think the set up was fine, but I’m less convinced by the execution this week.
For example, sometimes I feel Rosario Dawson is struggling with the weight of the costume whilst she duels. It all seems a bit slow and rehearsed compared to anyone else using sabers. I think it’s the head gear not feeling natural to wear.
There were also a few shots didn’t work for me, once when a character is jumping felt like the landing was CGI’d in 1993. Equally, a chase scene just felt a little too staged and slow for me, with no real stakes. I never once felt like it would end up in anything but a trail of bad guys.
If I was telling this story, I out some tougher choices in there and perhaps some casualties. When characters have tough decisions to make, that’s drama. Whenever characters escape every action scene with a smile on their faces, it’s a cartoon.
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I also don’t know why the decision was made to have characters fight like they do? Why don’t they want Ezra using a Lightsaber for example? Give him the saber there and that turns into a far less one sided fight and thus more believable that it went how it did. Maybe this will be explored with Ezra’s character more in the future and this is sowing those seeds? Or, perhaps not!
For me, this could all have been handled in 30 minutes with some good editing and have another 10 minutes showing as what Baylon Skoll did next. Even if that’s just more tease for next week’s finale
I’m not saying this was a poor episode. It was just okay, mid, decent. No one is going to look back and say they loved 7 the best. At least, not unless it’s because it’s the most we’ve seen Ezra so far? My favorite part of Episode 7 however, were the scenes with Thrawn. This does feel like Rebels era Thrawn in all but looks and I like how he is prioritizing the most important tasks at hand.
Maybe this episode works better with some tighter direction of the action scenes? It just feels like the Saber duels were not as well choreographed, or shot compared to previous episodes. Since it’s likely the same choreo team, I’m guessing shot choices.
Final Word
So far I have enjoyed Ahsoka, but more what it teases about the future. The best two episodes were 5 and 6 so far. However outside of that, everything else has just been okay, good enough, shot well enough, etc. Episode 7 has some good and bad, I liked a few of the lines used and the delivery’s were spot on. However, this is not a dialogue heavy episode, even if some of the one liners here and there were good. Yet, I wasn’t ever feeling immersed in the action taking place and I never once felt any peril. I am still intrigued by the story, I like most of the characters and I want to know what happens next. But this wasn’t my fave episode, nothing too horrible though.
As always, let me know what you thought of my Ahsoka Episode 7 review below, or leave your own thoughts, good or bad? The Cantina Reviews should be with you later today or early tomorrow. Hopefully Shockey will make his return this week. Here is last week’s TCR link if you haven’t heard what our little trio thought of Episode 6.