Alien 5 – Unused Concept Art From Blomkamp’s Canned Movie Emerges

Some Xenomorph related Barside Buzz says the Alien: Romulus sequel is looking to bring back Sigourney Weaver as a de-aged Ripley.

Remember when Neil Blomkamp was trying to make an Alien 5 movie? Fans were excited because it seemed Blomkamp’s plan was to ignore Alien 3 and make a sequel involving Newt, Ripley and Hicks. At the time we fans got to see one or two intriguing pieces of concept art for that project. Sadly, the concept never became realty and it seemed like Fox were moving in a different direction with Alien. Of course, that was before Disney purchased Fox, and the latest news is a Hulu TV show in the Alien Universe being developed.

I’m not gonna say I don’t want to see that TV show, as I do. However, I also wish there was a way to still do that and yet push ahead with Blomkamp’s plans also. Since the IP has moved to Disney now, it’s the perfect time for me to retcon the timeline. Not just for Alien, but Predator also, as both franchises have had to suffer too many poor movies. If you need any more convincing that Blomkamp’s idea seems the best we’ve had in a long time, we can actually view even more concept art from the movie. If you click on artist Geoffrey Thoorens’ ArtStation page, you will find a lot more of the concept work he did for Alien 5. Frankly, it looks cool as hell to me.

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Alien, Aliens, and even the original Predator were wonderful movies, that deserved more. Sadly, I feel like both franchises have just gone steadily downhill since then. Even Ridley Scott coming back to Alien didn’t work out for me, because of the direction Scott wanted to go. The ideas behind Prometheus and Alien: Covenant were interesting, but the execution gave us two extremely average movies.

I’m of the opinion that James Cameron took the franchise in a direction you cannot come back from in Aliens, one of the bets sequels ever made. It seems every creative who has come to work on the Alien franchise since has wanted to go back to Alien instead of having the guts to expand upon what was started in Aliens. That’s when it comes to movies only though. The old Dark Horse comics which did expand out from Aliens were far more interesting than anything we have had on film since. For me, Blomkamp’s commissioned art made me feel like he understood that as well. That’s why I was sad to see the project canned indefinitely.

Open Statement to Disney

Dear Disney, the Alien franchise is a gold mine of untapped potential, in the right hands. Please consider letting Neil Blomkamp create a new cannon under Disney to lead this franchise forwards. Hire him to make Alien 5, or if he is unwilling, hire someone with a similar vision. For creative ideas of what to do with both Alien and Predator franchises, please look to the old comic books that came out pre-Alien 3. That stories were full on sci-fi/horror, and exactly what fans wanted to see from the franchises. 

What do you think of this latest Alien 5 concept art. Do you agree with me that Alien 5 was looking great until it was shelved? Any thoughts below as always.

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