Upon watching that very first trailer for the upcoming blockbusters Alita: Battle Angel, it’s easy to assume that this would be another CGI-infested Avatar-like experience. Plus, given the involvement of both James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez — both filmmakers who have come to embrace technology in virtually every form in their movies — it wasn’t exactly an illogical conclusion to leap to.
However, during SXSW a couple weekends back, director Robert Rodriguez revealed that there was very little green screen was used and that they had worked hard to get make tangible sets so the film was more grounded.
“It gave us a real tangible real-world set to put the action in, because Jim [Cameron’s] whole thing in science fiction is to make it more science fact, and the more fantastical the story, the more it needs to be grounded in reality,” Rodriguez told us. “So we surround Alita with real actors, real characters that are played by real people, and real set versus doing it green screen — there’s very little green screen in the movie, it was really done on practical set locations, because I really needed feel to ground it.”
A couple weeks back, during that same weekend, some lucky folks got to visit the actual set utilized in the upcoming blockbuster, Alita: Battle Angel. If this quote from Rodriguez made you interested in what the set looks like, you can check out a video of the walkthrough above!
Does this set look cool, and do you think it’ll help to ground the film? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Collider