Andor Episode 10 review! This episode was excellent. Andor is not only the best Star Wars under Disney to date, it’s one of the best shows this year. I’ll be staying SPOILER FREE within this review, so have no fear there. With that all out of the way, let’s discuss what I thought about Episode 10 of Andor.
One Way Out!
One way out, one way out. That’s right if you’ve been watching Andor thus far, I’m sure you have a rough idea where things go in Episode 10. After all, this is where we’ve been headed for a while now. However, I will stay away from story spoilers.
To quote some fans that might be more challenged in vocabulary than I, Andor has dropped another banger episode. Yup, this is another great one and last week when I recorded Cantina, I even upped my grade to A+. Will Episode 10 be that high again? Hey, no spoilers, remember, till the bottom anyway.
Truthfully it would have been really really hard for Andor Episode 10 to be a real downer after the highs of the series thus far. It’s not, so don’t worry. If you’ve been loving Andor so far, then you’ll love 10. If you are instead one of those who isn’t that keen on this kind of Star Wars, again, I doubt there will be much to change your mind. For me, Andor is the kind of show I’d recommend to friends who don’t even like Star Wars. In fact the writing, acting, direction is all so good here it’s undoubtedly the best Star Wars (anything) we’ve had since the OT. For me, it’s that good.
RELATED: Andor Episode 9 Review – Tense Adult Drama
Some of the dialogue, the way events are set up and pull at you emotionally, it’s chef’s kiss territory. The performances have been amazing and this week Andy Serkis and Stellan Skarsgaard are amazing. Actually I will go beyond those two and say Diego Luna and Genevieve O’Reilly were amazing as well, as were all the minor cast. There is constant tension, to the point where every scene is dripping with it and you kind of feel on the edge of your seat.
I feel like the writers have done such a grand job of using this universe in a different way. There are easter eggs, and there are moments that draw from the well. However under Disney I feel like all we’ve seen is Star Wars recycled and repackaged. Andor is not recycled and repackaged. Andor is its own unique lovable entity, which adds to the foundations rather than just hangs on to them for dear life.
Whilst we wait for Andor Season 2, this show has definitely made me want to watch Andor, Rogue One and A New Hope as a sort of ‘Rebellion trilogy’. Utterly essential viewing, even if you are not a fan of Star Wars. Plus, there are still another two episodes to go. Where the hell do we go next?
RELATED: Andor Episode 8 Review – Imperial Prisons Suck
Every week, I rate Andor highly and the comments are from fans who hate it or think it’s boring. I did wonder what the percentage would be across most of the fan base. However in ‘real life; I’ve so far only came across one person who felt that way and they only watched the first two episodes. I’m not saying you readers who comment are wrong, you can only call the show how you see it. But when you write comments bemoaning how I can possibly give Andor high marks, then trust me, I’m at the opposite end not being able to understand why you don’t love this like I do? I make no apologies. This is brilliant and I’ll take one more show as good as Andor over 100 Book of Boba Fett‘s right now, even with how good Episode 6 of Boba Fett was.
Other than that folks, I can’t think of a single criticism that is worth of discussion. So if you are reading this hoping I some day come to my senses, I don’t think it’s happening. I am an Andor fan, whatever that means. Frankly I’m worried nothing else from Lucasfilm will ever live up to this level again.
Grade: A+
What did you think of my spoiler free Andor Episode 10 review? Leave your own review of the tenth episode below. Tell us what you think, were you as positive about Andor as I am? As always, leave your own thoughts below.