During one of the episodes of the DC Universe’s series Titans titled Doom Patrol, April Bowlby will be portraying Rita Farr aka Elasti-Girl. Since then we now know that Doom Patrol has received a 13 episode straight to series order in May, which will begin production this year and scheduled for a 2019 premiere on DC Universe.
Thanks to reports from Deadline we now know that Bowlby will be back to reprise her role as one of the leads in the Doom Patrol Series from Greg Berlanti. Bowlby is best known for her role as Stacy Barrett on Drop Dead Diva and was on the Fox pilot Gone Baby Gone. She is repped by LINK Entertainment and TalentWorks.
Rita Farr is an actress on the rise who was exposed to a toxic gas that altered her cellular structure, who then finds herself with the Doom Patrol. The Doom Patrol was originally written and drawn by Arnold Drake, Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani.
The series will be picking up after the events that will take place in Titans, where these reluctant heroes will find themselves in an unexpected place. They will be called to action by Cyborg who has a mission for them that is hard to refuse. It’s being written by Jeremy Carver, who is also serving as executive producer along with Geoff Johns and Berlanti Prods’ Sarah Scechter.
Thoughts on Bowlby staying on as Elasti-Girl? Let us know in the comment section below!
DC Universe’s Doom Patrol is scheduled to be released sometime 2019.
Source: Deadline