Fantastic Four Star Wants Another Role In The MCU As A Villain

With superhero films coming out of almost every studio these days, we are seeing a lot more actors/acresses that have played at least two comic book characters at some point. For example Chris Evans played

April Bowlby Will Reprise Her Role As Elasti-Girl On Doom Patrol Series

During one of the episodes of the DC Universe's series Titans titled Doom Patrol, April Bowlby will be portraying Rita Farr aka Elasti-Girl. Since then we now know that Doom Patrol has received a 13

NFC Recaps Sharp Objects – Vanish

Nerd Flix & Chill is here to break down the first episode of Sharp Objects, entitled Vanish. This episode does a great job of setting the tone for the uneasy journey ahead. This is a

Who’s Faster Flash Or Superman? The Debate May Have Been Settled Once and For All

Not that the following information will in anyway stop nerds around the world from arguing about it, but the old debate of whether or not Superman could keep up with Flash speed wise has been

The Comic Source Podcast Episode 405 – Marvel Chronology Secret Wars II #4

In this episode we discuss; The Comic Source Podcast Episode 405 Marvel Chronology Secret Wars II #4 Writer - Jim Shooter, Penciler - Al Milgrom, Inkers - Steve Leialoha & Joe Rubinstein, Colorist - Max