Video game fans have been patiently waiting for decades for their passion to get successfully adapted to the big screen. While there have been some lingering, surviving franchises (hello, Resident Evil), it would be an understatement to say Hollywood has been largely unsuccessful. Like with comic books before them, video games have proven especially difficult to faithfully capture on celluloid.
Every so often, studios take a crack at yet another franchise, but the floodgates remain largely closed, with these films only coming out in a trickle. But, as Hollywood has proven in the past, it only takes one big success for those gates to open. Many hoped this year’s Warcraft would prove to be the catalyst for a new era of video game films, but that movie largely failed on the domestic front. Now all eyes are placed squarely on Assassin’s Creed, a film produced by and starring Oscar-nominated actor Michael Fassbender.
Thus far, we’ve received several image, a synopsis, and a trailer for the December release, but what about its runtime? How long can we expect to sit in a dark theater enjoying this new adaptation?
The eagle-eyed folks over at Screen Rant noticed a listing at Empire Cinemas, which had Assassin’s Creed listed with a runtime of 140 minutes. This puts the movie at around 2 hours and 20 minutes long — which seems to be slightly more than par for the course for your average Hollywood blockbuster.
Given the epic, time-hopping nature (and yes, I understand it’s not technically time-hopping) of the premise, with the future serving as something of a frame narrative for the 15th Century Spain scenes, it’s widely assumed the film would have an epic scale, and this new runtime very much seems to confirm this idea. All in all, for a film whose main objective is to sell new audiences on a bold, unconventional story, 2 hours and 20 minutes isn’t a bad runtime. Let’s just hope they have a brisk enough pace to keep them interested.
The synopsis for Assassin’s Creed is as follows:
“Through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from a mysterious secret society, the Assassins, and amasses incredible knowledge and skills to take on the oppressive and powerful Templar organization in the present day.â€
What do you think of this runtime? Let us know in the comments down below!
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SOURCE: Empire Cinemas (via Screen Rant)