Avatar’s Stephen Lang would have been the perfect choice for Deadpool 2‘s Cable, physically — though I am happier with Josh Brolin in the role — but there’s a different Marvel character he’d like to play now. Even though that character is already in another actor’s very capable hands, and has been since 2008.
Lang smartly choose the other Marvel character he would be best at, Nick Fury. Wait, isn’t Nick Fury black? Yes, he is both in the Marvel Ultimate Comics line and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And, currently he is also black in the main comic line, but Lang wants to turn back the clocks to an older version of Nick Fury, the version that led the Howling Commandos in his favorite comic book series, Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos.
Lang told Screen Rant:
“My favorite Comic Book of all the Marvel series, was always Sargent Fury and His Howling Commandos. I friggin’ loved Sargent Fury’s Howling Commandos and to me it was always like, I want to be Nick Fury.”
Let’s be honest. This is never going to happen. At least, not within the MCU, and Marvel Studios isn’t currently making movies outside the official MCU timeline.
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If there were to be a standalone Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos film, it could work, but even with the character originating as white, I can see white-washing complaints arising after seeing Samuel L. Jackson own the role for 10 years.
Besides, even set outside of the MCU, this concept would be very confusing for the uninitiated. “Wasn’t it Captain America’s Howling Commandos?” I can see it now and advise against it for the same reason I think DC’s separate-from-the-DCEU Joker film is a mistake.
Sorry, Mr. Lang. Just ride out that five-film Avatar paycheck, my scary friend.
Do you think Lang would make a solid Nick Fury? Do you think there is still room for his proposed film under the Marvel Studios banner? Let us know in the comment section below!
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SOURCE: Screen Rant