Avengers: Infinity War – AMC Hosting Unreal 31-Hour MCU Marathon

Marvel’s upcoming film, Avengers: Infinity War, marks an unprecedented culmination of ten years of filmmaking, and as expected, it sounds like theaters will be taking advantage of this to set up another bladder-busting marathon.

AMC is reportedly set to host a mammoth marathon leading up to Avengers: Infinity War, pretty much guaranteeing fans will want to kill themselves before they see the new film. The marathon will air all 18 films in the MCU in addition to Infinity War and will run a whopping 31 hours in length.

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Our next big question is how in the hell they’ll accomplish this? Obviously, there will be breaks in-between films, but will it span a few different days, or will they actually do something crazy like having it air movie after movie, virtually non-stop? Sadly, details are sparse, but given that AMC likely doesn’t want reports of people passing out or dying in their theaters, I’d be surprised if the marathon didn’t have 8-10 hour breaks, with the marathon spreading over the course of three or so days.

If you’re one of the few who is up for this marathon, God bless. I remember the last marathon in which I partook was leading up to that first Avengers, and that lasted well over 12 hours with 15-minute breaks in between each film, giving just enough time to hop to a fast food joint in downtown Burbank before jumping back in.

What do you think of this marathon? Will you be up for watching all these films back-to-back-to-back? Sound off down below!

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