So far we have seen two films with Marvel
’s top tier superhero team, The Avengers. The Marvel Cinematic Universe started off with the characters’ individual films, laying groundwork that would one day build up to the aforementioned ensemble. If you’re reading this article there is a fairly good chance you are well aware that there are two more Avengers films on their way. The co-director of those films, Joe Russo (his brother Anthony is the other half of the directing team), spoke with Good Morning America, and was asked when us lowly peasants that weren’t able to attend D23 will be able to see some new Avengers footage.
“We’re hard at work on a trailer, I don’t want to spoil it for them but you know stay tuned and you’re going to see an Infinity War teaser very soon,” said Russo.
When asked to give us a better idea on the time frame Russo said with a smile, “Can’t say.”
How soon is very soon remains to be seen, but from the reactions from the folks that were at D23, this movie is going to be off the charts epic. A total of 67 marvel characters with supposedly 32 appearing in one scene, according to the Black Widow herself, Scarlett Johansson. Not only will the Avengers be there, but another entire team, or in this case a crew will be in the mix, The Guardians of The Galaxy. Now just these two teams of characters alone is enough to drive a director crazy, even if there are two of them.
Seeing The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy share the same screen should be plenty to satisfy fans with all the nerdy goodness it will provide, but the directorial tasks involved with this sort of meeting has to be an incredible burden. It doesn’t end there as Marvel has also thrown in Doctor Strange, and the long estranged Spider-Man. With far more characters set to appear, this movie just may melt the brains of Marvel fans.
How much longer can you wait for an Avengers: Infinity War trailer? Let us know in the comments down below.
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