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Batgirl And Birds Of Prey Screenwriter Talks Batgirl And Harley Quinn

The future is female over in the DC Extended Universe. Marvel Studios may be gearing up for their first female-led superhero movie, but in the very near future, that’ll be a standard Tuesday over on the Warner Bros. side of things. In addition to a Wonder Woman sequel, we’ll be getting a Birds of Prey film, a Batgirl film, and maybe even a Supergirl film in the very near future.

Set to write two of those four movies is Christina Hodson, who will be making a splash later this year with the release of Bumblebee — which could be the first good Transformers film ever (though I’d argue the first film was still fun, even though it wasn’t exactly a piece of art). Between Birds of Prey and Batgirl, she’s steeped in the world o DC. While she couldn’t say much about the Birds of Prey movie when speaking to the Los Angeles Times, she did speak highly of the Harley Quinn character, played by Margot Robbie.

“I just fell in love with Harley. She makes me laugh, but she also makes me cry…. She’s got such emotional depth that is completely contrasted by this light, superficial, fun exterior. Even in the comics when she is at her best, she’s doing something bad — and when she’s at her worst she’s doing something good. And that makes her so interesting and so much more real, because that’s what people are like in real life. Very few people are just purely heroic or purely villainous, and she is this wonderful balance of everything.”

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But what about her other big character she’s tackling? Batgirl! Will we be getting a Barbara Gordon Batgirl or Cassandra Cain Batgirl? After all, we do know Cassandra will be popping up in Birds of Prey. Hodson didn’t say anything about that, for obvious reasons, but she did go into what the character means to her.

“[I can basically say] nothing, other than I’m really excited — because she’s Batgirl! She’s all the things I love about Batman. I’ve always been more interested in humans than supernatural things and monsters. People are capable of profound good, but also profound evil. The things that people will do when you back them into a corner are amazing, terrifying, and wonderful at the same time, and it draws out these primal things in us — good and bad. And that, to me, is so fascinating.”

Which of these two movies are you looking forward to most? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: The Los Angeles Times

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