Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, Batgirl directors say they were blocked from accessing the footage following the movies cancellation by WB/Discovery. The Belgian filmmakers spoke with the SKRIPT YouTube channel and although the interview was in French, THR has translated the conversation.
I won’t cover all the filmmaking duo spoke about. However they did detail just how they found out about the Batgirl cancellation. They also say the movie would require substantial work to ever see the light of day. Not only was there more shooting to complete, there was also no VFX completed at the time of cancellation. In other words, it would take a lot pf money if WB/D ever decided to finish and release the movie. My bet is that this version of Batgirl will never see the light of day.
As for the title of this article, The filmmakers explained how shocked they were when they tried to access the footage they had shot and found it blocked.
“No, we have nothing! Adil called me and said, ‘go ahead shoot some things on your cellphone.’ I went on the server and everything was blocked,” said Fallah.
“We were like ‘fu**ing shi*!’,” said El Arbi. “All the scenes with Batman in them! Shi*!”
The situation is bad enough as it is, but to not even allow the people making it access to the footage they shot seems kinda cruel. I guess from WB/D point of view, if the movie is cancelled they maybe do not want anything posted online to keep the fires of the fandom stoked? That’s about the only explanation I can think of for this.
RELATED: Batgirl Directors “Saddened and Shocked” By Decision To Shelf Film
It’s going to take a bit of time for us to really see how the DCEU will develop. It does appear like the plan is to carry on, but with a different focus than before. I can’t deny that half of me understands what WB/D are doing. It felt to me like the DCEU was focusing on the Z list characters and ignoring the A list. That is of course due to poorly received movies n the past. However do we really need more Harley Quinn movies? They cannot even get Superman, Flash, Batman and Wonder Woman to work.
We know at one point the plan was for The Flash movie to reset the Universe somewhat. From that point on Michael Keaton’s Batman would replace Ben Affleck’s and it was Keaton who shot scenes for Batgirl. However, since then we know Batfleck himself will show up in Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom. Therefore, I genuinely have no idea what the current plan is going to be? Will The Flash movie be changed to bring back Batfleck? Or, will Keaton still be around post-Flash? Your guess is a good as mine at this point.
What do you think of the news? Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, Batgirl directors say they were blocked from accessing the footage following the movies cancellation by WB/Discovery. As always, share any thoughts you have below, or over on Discord.