On this week’s episode of Breaking Geek Radio: The Podcast, catch Tanya, Nick (@LRM_Nick ) and Jonesy (@SirJonesiest) mid-discussion on the heels of Pokemon: Detective Pikachu rapping about video game movie adaptations as a whole.
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What are your favorite and least favorite video game adaptation?
- 00:03:46 – Introductions
- 00:05:35 – What kind of gamer are you?
- 00:10:55 – What counts as a video game movie?
- 00:16:45 – Top two video game movies
- 00:36:40 – Do video games need to be adapted into movies?
- 00:44:15 – Fantasy casting (Mortal Kombat reboot, Metal Gear)
- 01:19:30 – Worst video game movies
Intro Music: “Return of the Man” by ATH315T
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