Disclaimer: This post contains MASSIVE SPOILERS for the end of Season 3 of Better Call Saul.
Season 3 of Better Call Saul saw a big change in the life of Jimmy McGill. After two seasons of butting heads with his older brother, Chuck, the man said something to Jimmy that pretty much irreparably hurt their relationship. He said he never cared for Jimmy one way or another. The next day, Chuck killed himself.
But does Jimmy feel guilty, or even responsible, for Chuck’s death? This is where star Bob Odenkirk and co-creator Peter Gould disagree.
“I disagree with Peter Gould on this,” Odenkirk said at a recent press conference at San Diego Comic-Con. “We talked about this so much this season, because the whole season is about the reverberations of Chuck killing himself. I feel like because of the scene that happened the night before — when Chuck told Jimmy, ‘I never really cared about you one way or the other. You never meant that much to me at all — that that colors the whole impact of Chuck’s death. I think Jimmy walked out of the room, compartmentalized him, and wrote him out of his life, the night before he died…and he’s not going to let Chuck’s death weight him down.”
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So where does Peter Gould stand on this? Well, he thinks that even if Jimmy wasn’t too pleased with Chuck, that he can’t really escape him.
“When you lose someone physically, you haven’t lost them from your mind. You haven’t lost them from your heart.” Gould continued, “The effects of people who are gone linger. I take some of my own personal experience. My father died literally before I was born, and the impact of his life and his work on me is enormous, and I never met him.”
So is this another matter of an actor vehemently disagreeing with the direction of a character? It doesn’t sound like it,
“I feel like everything Jimmy does in Season 4 fits with my philosophy of how he perceived Chuck and leaving Chuck behind him. Somehow it works as well for Peter. All that plot works just as well for him, and he feels like Chuck’s death is massive.”
What do you think of these comments? Who do you side with on this debate? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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