Comedian Bill Burr is not a man who is known for minding his tongue. He often incorporates controversial issues into his stand-up routine but does it in a way that makes it palatable. On a recent episode of his Bill Bert Podcast, Burr, somewhat cautiously, gave his thoughts on the firing of his Mandalorian co-star Gina Carano.
You can check out what he had to say below.
“It’s a weird time….Unless she did some truly horrible shit or said overtly racist shit. I don’t know. I think there is just too many channels. And then you gotta do sensational shit…I don’t know what the f**k it is. I’m on that f***ing show. Now, I gotta watch what the f**k I say.”
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“She was an absolute sweetheart. Super nice f***ing person. And you know whatever and somehow someone will take this video and they’ll make me say something else and try to get rid of my bald action figure…It’s how it is out there. It’s f***ing crazy times. People just waiting, laying in the weeds.”
While I have issues with both sides, I’m not a fan of the trend that has developed over the last few years. I didn’t agree with it when it happened to James Gunn or any of the other instances. And I don’t agree with it in this one either. Disney is a private company and has the right to manage their brand as they see fit. However, it would be nice to see some consistency, but again they’re under no obligation to do so.
What are your thoughts on this situation? Let us know in the comments down below!
Source: All Things Comedy