The technology based anthology show, Black Mirror, has released a teaser for its upcoming and highly anticipated fourth season. Revealed were the titles of six new episodes of the Netflix original series. For me, the show comes closer to the original Twilight Zone, than say, The Outer Limits or Tales From the Darkside. The show’s quality stories and overall creepy feel has brought us some of the better mind trips in recent memory.
Titles listed in the teaser include, “Crocodile,” “Arkangel,” “Hang the DJ” (which appears to star Rosario Dawson), “USS Callister,” “Metalhead,” “Black Museum.” The trailer doesn’t give us much to go on, a few short clips accompany each new title, but with no official synopses released, all us fans can do is speculate what the episodes will be about. Netflix did not disclose an official release date for the new episodes, but ‘soon’ is that we were told in the teaser.
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Black Mirror has been able to capture the essence of the original Twilight Zone, with fantastic episodes such as “The Waldo Moment,” “White Bear,” and the feature length episode, “White Christmas,” which starred Jon Hamm. Based around the dark side of technology, the first three seasons of the show gave us some great twists and each episode tries to leave the viewer with a thought provoking question about the state of our society in relation to our obsession with technology.. To me the show plays out as if it were written by a British version of Stephen King, it has a certain weirdness that is reminiscent of the author’s stories.
Are you ready for some more technological tales of terror? Let us know in the comments down below!
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SOURCE: Netflix