Marvel’s Black Panther has taken Hollywood by storm, quickly catapulting itself to having the fifth largest domestic opening of all time. The film is a success on financial, cultural, and societal levels. Actor Will Smith, who has himself played a superhero, in Hancock, recently spoke about the film in an Instagram post:
“What you have done is spectacular. I watched the film a couple of days ago and damn near got brought to tears. You guys have challenged and potentially even shattered a lot of long-time, long-held, false Hollywood beliefs and paradigms. I just wanna say congratulations to you. I’m proud, I’m excited, damn near giddy. Congrats, ya’ll.”
RELATED: Black Panther Is The Number One Reviewed Film Of All Time On Rotten Tomatoes
You can watch the full video below:
I have yet to see the film, but from seeing and reading everything that is going around the interwebs it sounds like a fantastic time at the theater, which I will hopefully make a trip to this weekend. As for the film being the best reviewed film of all time on RottenTomatoes, without having seen the film, it would be wrong for me to say that it is undeserving, however, I will say it better be damn good to beat the likes of The Godfather parts one and two, Shawshank Redemption and other films of that caliber, but who knows, maybe after watching it I will agree.
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Source: Will Smith