In the latest Barside Buzz Bounty Hunter Embo is rumored to be one of the villains in The Mandalorian and Grogu movie. Embo first appeared, voiced by Dave Filoni himself in The Clone Wars animated series. The information comes initially from Kristian Harloff again. However, like yesterday this gets some better back up from Bespin Bulletin.
Here is what BB had to say about Harloff’s news and what they backed up.
‘Harloff revealed that Rotta the Hutt plays a prominent role in the movie, something I mentioned previously, but that he thinks the movie is playing a similar storyline out as The Clone Wars where Rotta was kidnapped as a baby and had to be rescued. Harloff believes that Din Djarin and Grogu are hired to rescue Rotta and on the flip side Embo, the main villain of the story, has been hired to kill Rota the Hutt.’
‘The details that Harloff has revealed are ones that I too was told. So I can back up his reporting – not that he needs it. I’ll add that I believe that Embo is hired by some Hutts, possibly the two featured in The Book of Boba Fett. I had heard conflicting things on who hired Din. Being told once that it was the Hutts that hire Din and another time I was told it was the Republic. I don’t know which one is correct, if either, but Zeb does apparently assist Din in his quest at some point which could point to Din Djarin being hired by the Republic, but that’s merely speculation on my part.’
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Now, I know what you’re thinking. This sounds a bit rubbish. Embo was a Z-tier bounty hunter from TCW. Equally the whole Rotta the Hutt thing didn’t work in film. It was universally slated by everyone before The Clone Wars series actually started to get better and less juvenile.
Of course, until we get more information, let’s wait and see. I’m not so sure they’d consider Embo more than a henchman for a movie. However, I have no information at all on this film. Equally, it’s weird Harloff hears the same thing as us about McGregor. Then, later in the week hears the same thing as Bespin Bulletin about this news. Watch this space I guess?
What do you think as Bounty Hunter Embo is rumored to be a villain in The Mandalorian and Grogu? As always, leave any thoughts below.