Things didn’t really end too happily for Breaking Bad‘s Jesse Pinkman. Sure, he may have survived and escaped captivity, but that was well after a year or so of torture. God knows if he could ever be the same after experiencing something like that.
But all’s well that ends well in the Breaking Bad world, right? Not everyone gets a completely happy ending, but there is still a possibility for us to see just how this character turns out. AMC’s solid spinoff series Better Call Saul has perfected the art of utilizing Breaking Bad characters without it seeming too much like cheap fan service. The key has been to only utilize the characters when it makes sense.
Could they utilize Jesse Pinkman the same way in some of the present-day scenes for Better Call Saul? Speaking with Digital Spy, Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan stated he was open to the idea:
“You never know if that character may get revisited in the future. Anything’s possible. I’m not going to say anything more. But I’m absolutely open to the idea. Hopefully it happens. I’m all about it.”
I’m all for it too. I’m rarely one for needed closure, but just getting a tad bit more from Jesse Pinkman after all he’s been through is something I’d appreciate. Again, it’s all about how it’s done, and so long as they’re able to do so in a tasteful and meaningful way, it’s the best way to go.
How do you feel about Jesse Pinkman showing up in Better Call Saul? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Digital Spy