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Silver Surfer Movie Reportedly In The Works From Fox…But Will Disney Allow It?

While Disney may be killing it with Marvel Studios and their Cinematic Universe, 20th Century Fox has been no slouch. Despite a few duds, the X-Men, Deadpool, and Wolverine franchises have, by and large, been pretty big hits, paving the way for them to slowly expand their worlds ever so slightly with each installment.

But what about some of the characters who were left to die in their wake? Of course, we have the Fantastic Four, and even the Silver Surfer, who made a splash in Fantastic Four 2…though sadly not the good kind they were hoping for. In a new report from THR, it’s stated that the studio is working on a standalone feature starring the intergalactic hero, and it’s being written by comics creator Brian K. Vaughn. What’s more, one executive states that, “We are going 100 miles per hour.”

This could be seen as great news for fans who have been waiting for a great interpretation of the character, but what does it mean for Disney’s use of the character? As was reported widely last year, Disney is planning to buy the majority of 21st Century Fox, including the rights to the character Silver Surfer. Given that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is set to expand into the more galactic elements, is Silver Surfer a character they’ll let them use?

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That’s a great question, but as it stands, things are going business as usual. If anything, it almost feels like news of this merger is speeding things along, making Fox go all-out on some of these properties. One Fox insider goes on to say:

“We actually have way more in development and production in Marvel IP than at any point in the history of the studio. There’s been zero slowdown on that front given Disney.”

At this point, the purchase from Disney is still pending review from the DoJ, so they have very little say in what actually happens (and Fox can’t exactly halt everything until the matter is settled, as doing so would screw them royally if it DOESN’T go through). We’re sure they’re just hoping they don’t cherrypick too many of the characters that can be utilized down the line in the MCU (Galactus, anyone?).

What do you think of this? Should Fox handle Silver Surfer, or would you prefer to see him in the MCU? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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