Will the next Mad Max film actually be a prequel centered on a young Furiosa?
If there’s anything that’s predictable about Hollywood, it’s that it’s unpredictable. Sure, it may also be that studios gravitate to the almighty dollar like flies to honey, but the actual paths there vary greatly. A filmmaker could be working on a sequel to a film one day and a completely original title the next. Hell, they could even have a prequel set to come out that turns into a sequel. The point is you can’t control the creative mojo of the Hollywood talents, and that very much applies to even the biggest films out there.
Years ago, at this point, George Miller released the long-in-production Mad Max: Fury Road. It was a movie virtually no one had faith in. While the trailers looked cool, we really didn’t know what to expect from him. No, it didn’t exactly set the box office on fire, but it did leave its mark on pop culture and the film industry. Since then, fans have been eager to jump back into that world in a sequel.
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But we don’t always get what we want. We don’t even always get what we’re promised. In the past several years since Mad Max: Fury Road, Miller has mad his intentions clear for a sequel. Now, it looks like his sights might be set for something very different.
In a new piece from Variety, the outlet reports that Miller has met with actors via Skype for a Furiosa spinoff. One actor he met with was The New Mutants and Thoroughbreds star Anya Taylor-Joy. The hope is to start shooting the film in 2021.
While Taylor-Joy was name-dropped in the piece, there is no indication that he’ll end up settling on her for the lead role. While Furiosa was indeed a fan favorite in Mad Max: Fury Road, I am curious to hear all your thoughts about this. Is this a movie you all wanted to see? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Variety