Of all the Superbowl TV spots we got yesterday, this latest Captain Marvel effort may be the most anti-climactic as the footage is almost identical to the TV spot Marvel released a few days ago online. At the time that hit, fans were praising it as possibly the best TV spot for this movie yet, as it showed a lot more fun and action along with a lot of Nick Fury and Carol together.
Although I may have missed one or two shots that are different here, it does look and feel remarkably like that previous TV spot. This may be disappointing for some fans who were looking for more new footage, but do we really want anything else at this point? As a movies’ release draws closer, the temptation from studios is to release another cut and another cut, always trying to introduce something new. However, at this point with Captain Marvel only 32 days from release, I personally like the idea of only showing the same popular TV spot they already revealed.
RELATED: Captain Marvel: New TV Spot Shows Fresh Footage And Plenty Of Action
I think sometimes movie studios can go too far within the last month until a movies release and reveal far too much information about the movie. I am hoping this is as much as Marvel is willing to reveal to us at this point. Marvel, you already have my money and I’ll guess the same is true for the majority of your prospective audience, so feel free to cut trailers together in different ways from now till release, but don’t give us any ‘new’ footage, pretty please.
This latest TV spot certainly seems to have got fans talking already and any criticisms of the full trailer seem to be evaporating now. I also love how Captain Marvel has not been seen in any capacity yet within the trailers for Avengers: Endgame, whether that will change after Captain Marvel releases as a promotional tag for Endgame is unclear. However, I could see them having a small Carol Danvers image revealed within a future trailer for sure. I just hope it’s nothing more than a shot of her standing with some of the more established Avengers team members and nothing more.
Can you spot any major differences in this latest Superbowl TV spot, what are your thoughts on Captain Marvel so far? Power up and share your thoughts with us in the usual place below.
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SOURCE: Marvel