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Captain Marvel & Chaos Walking Screenwriters To Tackle Marvel Flick Silver & Black

Okay, Sony. You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.

When it was first announced that Sony would be making a Venom film, it annoyed me to no end. On the heels of Spider-Man: Homecoming, it felt like Sony was trying to grab control wherever they could. They’d screwed the pooch with The Amazing Spider-Man and were working to leverage their properties as much as they could, actual storytelling be damned.

However, with every bit of news that hits regarding both Venom and Silver & Black, I get a little more hopeful. Forget the underwhelming Venom trailer, but as far as the actual talent the studio is hiring…it’s pretty topnotch. It’s very clear that they’re taking this very seriously.

Today’s news piece drives that point home just a little bit more. According to TheWrap, Silver & Black has just locked down two promising talents as screenwriters. First up, we have Lindsey Beer. While we have yet to see anything from her, she is attached to a number of high-profile projects that include Chaos Walking, Godzilla vs. Kong, Dungeons & Dragons, and The Kingkiller Chronicle. Now, It’s worth pointing out that we have yet to see anything from her, but it is promising that studios are utilizing her talents in several big projects. She’s either really good, or incorporates studio notes very well, which is a skill that can’t be understated in the business.

Next up, we have Geneva Robertson-Dworet. Like Beer, we have yet to see anything from her, but she is attached to big projects like Sherlock Holmes 3, Tomb Raider, Captain Marvel, and also Dungeons & Dragons. Again, though we have yet to see anything, it’s a big deal that she’s getting such high-profile jobs, and it’s even more interesting that these two are also attached to Dungeons & Dragons. Does this mean the pair already collaborated on the script for that film, and that they work well together? We certainly hope so.

The only real downside in all this is that we’re less than a year from the film’s February 8 release date. If they’re still writing the script, does this mean we’ll likely have a delay in store? We’ll have to wait and see.

What do you think of Sony hiring Beer and Robertson-Dworet joining the Gina Prince-Bythewood-directed film? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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