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Captain Marvel Will Chronicle Nick Fury’s First Run-In With A Superhero

As most of you know, the Marvel Cinematic Universe will debut its first female led film next year, with Bree Larson starring as Captain Marvel. The film will be set in the 90s and reveal that Larson’s Captain Marvel will be the first hero that Sam Jackson’s Nick Fury ever encountered. The mastermind behind the magnificent movies of Marvel, Kevin Feige, recently spoke with Entertainment Weekly and discussed the reason for the film’s setting.

“We wanted to explore a period before Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury had any idea about any of the other heroes and crazy stuff going on in the world. You know, we first met Nick when he told Tony, ‘You’re part of a big universe. You just don’t know yet.’ Well, we want to go back to a time when he didn’t know it yet, and really showcase and announce that Carol Danvers was that first hero that Nick came across. That meant she could be the singular hero, but place it within timing of the MCU. It also got us talking about different genres, exploring this notion of sort of the ‘90s action film. We hadn’t necessarily done anything like that before either, so there are definitely homages to our favorite ‘90s action films within Captain Marvel.”

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The throwback in time is an idea that could bring a freshness to the MCU, not that it is in dire need of one, but it will be something a bit different, something new. It will also be interesting to see the MCU in its pre-Iron Man stage. I also like what Feige said about the references to 90s action films. The action films of the 90s were over-the-top spectacles and very enjoyable popcorn movies, so mixing that aspect of those films with the Marvel formula should prove to make Captain Marvel both fun and entertaining.

Are you excited for Captain Marvel? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: Entertainment Weekly

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