20th Century Fox is gearing up for a major year in 2016, because that’s the year when they take their biggest strides yet to increase their own licensed corner of the Marvel Universe. This year, they have their hopes set on Fantastic Four being a successful reboot that bears plenty of fruit- with the goal of someday having a major FF/X-Men crossover event. But next year if Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse, and Gambit hit big, they wouldn’t even need Fantastic Four to be a hit to be happy with their Marvel properties. They could just put all future FF plans on hold and simply focus on strengthening their mutant franchises.
Showbiz 411 has shed some light on when the Channing Tatum-led Gambit will be going into production, and it’s looking like Fox and director Rupert Wyatt are prepping to film, edit, promote, and release the film all within a calendar year. The site got access to a casting call that pinpoints the month of October for the New Orleans-based production to kick off. But that’s not all, it also includes a breakdown for all the supporting roles they’re looking to fill. Of note, the names are all masked, the same way that the movie is being referred to as Chess instead of Gambit, in order to fly a little bit under the radar.
Here are the character breakdowns, all of which include options for sequels:
Louis– Male, any ethnicity, 40s-50s. Elegant and intelligent. An appealing entrepreneur with an unexpected dark side.
Vera– Female, any ethnicity, mid 20s – early 30s. Beautiful, smart, tough, fiery and unpredictable.
Wes– Male, any ethnicity, mid 20s – mid 30s. Aspirational but weak minded. Soulful and sensitive.
Fritz– Male, any ethnicity, 40s – 50s. A professional thief. Charismatic con-artist. Warm hearted but untrustworthy.
Nash– Male, any ethnicity, mid 20s – early 30s. A potent threat. Heir to his mother’s business. Malevolent.
Willhelm– Male, any ethnicity, 30s. Dangerous street criminal. Protective and loyal to his family. Intensely loyal and violent.
Gary– Male, any ethnicity, mid 20s – early 30s. A little simple; dim-witted and passive.
Nonna—Female, any ethnicity, mid 20s – 30 years old.
Uptight, corporate, vicious, sexual.
Joe– Male, any ethnicity, 30s. He’s a gun for hire. He is the black sheep of his family. Not from good breeding but from a working class family.
Ben–Male, any ethnicity, 20s. Just reaching adulthood. A street kid, a disaffected outsider, an orphan.
Boris–Male, Hispanic, 20s. Charming, handsome, and dangerous..
Clarissa– Female, mixed race, 10 – 12 years old. Ethereal and other worldly. Very expressive.
Wolfgang– Male, authentic French, 40s. A French criminal. Must speak fluent French.
Howard– Male, Caucasian. 50s. A refined European mobster who speaks fluent French.
So go ahead, fanboys and girls, have fun trying to decipher who some of these might be and where they fit into Fox’s X-Universe.
As Simon Kinberg, Bryan Singer, and everyone else involved with crafting the future slate of Fox’s X-Men films prepares to lose their poster child when Hugh Jackman retires his Wolverine claws in 2017, all eyes will be on Deadpool and Gambit to see if Ryan Reynolds and Channing Tatum can assume the mantle.
If the early footage of Deadpool shown at Comic-Con was any indication, Fox might have something very special on its hands with its upcoming Marvel flicks.
SOURCE: Showbiz 411