On Wednesday, it was revealed via a press release from Netflix that producer Adi Shankar’s long in-development adaptation of the long-running video game franchise, Castlevania, would be getting the TV treatment. Not only would the series be hitting the streaming service, but it would be hitting it soon. 2017 soon. That’s right, unlike many other TV announcements, you won’t have to sit on your hands for two years while the show runs through the development mill.
Now, on the heels of that announcement, Shankar has had a chance to give us a few more tidbits of information regarding the show. So what can we expect from this brutally violent series?
For starters, the show is animated.
If you’ve been following the project since its inception, you’ll know that back in 2015, Shankar first announced his involvement, stating he’d be working with Fred Seibert and Kevin Kolde. For those who don’t know the former, Fred Seibert is the founder of Frederator, the animation studio responsible for such shows as The Fairly OddParents, Adventure Time, and Bee and Puppycat. The latter is a producer on many of Frederator’s projects. With those two men in tow, it was clear that they’d opt to go for the animated route, but given how much time had passed between now and then, we had to wonder if that was still the direction they planned on going.
That certainly seems to be the cast. Speaking with Collider, Shankar also went on to state that Castlevania “has a Game of Thrones vibe to it.†By that, we’ll assume he means it’ll have a fittingly epic feel with many interlocking gears that push the story forward. We also assume it’ll mean there’ll be plenty of sex and violence to satisfy hungry audiences that got bored during the inevitable character-building scenes that we’ll see.
But Shankar didn’t stop there. He’s never been one to mince words in the past, but he went on to make a bold proclamation:
“I’m personally guaranteeing that this is going to be the best fucking video game adaptation ever made to date … I’ve seen it, and it’s f**king amazing.â€
Should the show be anywhere near as good as Shankar is touting, we’d definitely be thrown for a loop. That’s not to say that we doubt him, but in covering all the potential properties that could break the video game adaptation curse, this wasn’t really one that was on our radar.
Another interesting point about this upcoming series is its writing talent. In TV shows, it’s very common for there to be a room of writers who workshop where to take the story before assigning episodes of the script for execution. Castlevania threw that all out the window with their writer Warren Ellis (who is known for his extensive work in comics and books, as well as live-action and TV writing).
“Warren just wrote all the scripts. It’s totally his voice. He’s amazing.â€
Finally, below is the official synopsis for Castlevania:
“Inspired by the classic video game series, Castlevania is a dark medieval fantasy following the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand of Vlad Dracula Tepe himself. The animated series is from Frederator Studios, a Wow! Unlimited Media company, written by best-selling author and comic book icon Warren Ellis and executive produced by Warren Ellis, Kevin Kolde, Fred Seibert and Adi Shankar.â€
So what do you think? Are you sold yet? Does the fact that it’s animated eliminate any worries that this will be another Underworld-esque clone? Let us know your thoughts down below!
Castlevania hits Netflix in 2017.
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SOURCE: Collider