Category: The Dragon Reviewed

A GREAT Episode! The Wheel Of Time S2 Episode 7 Review | TDR

A GREAT Episode! The Wheel Of Time S2 Episode 7 Review | TDR The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills and a wind whips through LRM & The GenreVerse towers that speaks in whispers. The

The Wheel Of Time S2 Episode 6 Review: Dark & Twisted! | TDR

The Wheel Of Time S2 Episode 6 Review: Dark & Twisted! | TDR The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills and a wind whips through LRM & The GenreVerse towers that speaks in whispers. The

The Wheel Of Time S2 Episode 4 Review: Monsters & Motivations | TDR

The Wheel Of Time S2 Episode 4 Review: Monsters & Chemistry | TDR The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills and a wind whips through LRM & The GenreVerse towers that speaks in whispers. The Dragon,