Category: Trailers

Titans Gets A Batch Of Character Teasers

The day where DC Universe's first big live-action series hits is quickly drawing near. For the first time, we will see the characters Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire in physical form, and Robin will have

Daredevil Season 3 Teaser Puts Kingpin In The Spotlight Consider me officially hyped. While no one can really seem to agree on which shows in the Marvel/Netflix-verse are good, which ones are mediocre, and which ones just plain suck (with the exception of

Trailer & Synopsis: The Man In The High Castle Season 3

[embed][/embed] Amazon Prime's The Man in the High Castle Season 3 will debut on the streaming service on October 5. The show is one of my favorites right now and I have been lucky enough

Star Wars Resistance Extended Look Hints At A Lackluster Show I'll admit, I'm not really right demographic for this show. This is a series meant for much younger fans of the show, and here I am, some thirty-something-year-old dude ready to judge it based

Robin Hood Trailer: I Want To Believe…But I Just Don’t… Are you ready for the umpteenth remake of the Robin Hood story? In this latest version, we get to see Taron Egerton take on the role of Robin Hood and Jamie Foxx take on

House Of Cards Final Season Teaser: All Hail President Underwood As we know, Kevin Spacey is OUT. Accusations of sexual assault made sure of that. Luckily for House of Cards, his character was seemingly already on the way out, what with his character on

X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer Hits

[embed][/embed] Well here we are folks, after some very dodgy leaked footage emerged a few days ago, Fox have now released the official trailer for X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Dark Phoenix should serve as the final

Exclusive Clip: The Padre Shows Nick Nolte and Luis Guzman Suspect Their Con Man Hides In A Church The hunt for a padre is on. The Padre stars Nick Nolte, Luis Guzman and Tim Roth in the action-packed movie about a small-time con man running from a retired U.S. judge Randall

Creed II Trailer: Now THIS Is How You Make A Sequel! "If we don't do what we love, then we wouldn't exist." Powerful first words to bring us into this new entry in the Rocky saga, Creed II. The comment is made over footage of

Mid90s Trailer 2: Jonah Hill’s Directorial Debut Touted As A Masterpiece Uh-oh. Would you look at the date? It's already fall. We're nearing the end of September, and with that comes the inevitable barrage of the Oscar contenders out there, which tend to include works