Charlize Theron is already receiving rave reviews for her performance in the upcoming “true story” drama Bombshell. In the film, Theron plays former Fox News anchor and journalist Megyn Kelly during the height of the scandal of sexual misconduct claims brought against head of Fox News Roger Ailes (played by John Lithgow) by former journalist Gretchen Carlson (played by Nicole Kidman). Judging from the trailers alone, Theron nailed Kelly’s look, style, and even her voice in every scene she appears in. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as Theron is easily one of the best actresses working in the industry today.
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However, Theron has an added connection to the material presented in the film.
Sitting down with NPR, Theron discussed her own personal experiences of being on the receiving end of unwanted sexual advances and harassment. She stated that her experience came early in her career, back in 1994, at the hands of a “very famous director.”
” [He] wore silk pajamas and offered me a drink and rubbed my knee”. I was just starting out; I didn’t know the ins and outs, and said to myself as I was driving there at 9pm … ‘Maybe that’s how they do it in the movie industry?’ You don’t [know what to do] … if you haven’t experienced it, it’s a very difficult thing to wrap your head around. I wasn’t even fully convinced this was sexual harassment until later in my career… I put a lot of blame on myself … that I didn’t say all the right things, and that I didn’t tell him to take a hike, and that I didn’t do all of those things that we so want to believe we’ll do in those situations.”
Theron described that eight years later, she was given the chance to meet him again on another project, and how she had planned to use this moment as an opportunity to confront the director. However, when she brought it up, it did not go how she had hoped it would.
“[He] just moved on from the conversation, he just didn’t want to address it. At that moment, it was clear to me that it wasn’t his first time and that he had been doing this before and that other women had called him out. His way of handling it was just to talk over it and about the project… Unfortunately, it was not the moment I so wanted. There was no reward in it … I’ve heard this repeatedly in hearing other women’s stories, and that is the unfortunate thing about sexual harassment. You never get that moment where you feel like the tables are reversed and now he’s finally getting it.”
Bombshell, starring Margot Robbie, Nicole Kidman, and Charlize Theron, hits theaters this Friday, December 20th.
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Source: NPR (via The Guardian).