It likely won’t be long before a celebrity impression comes standard with a deepfake. For those who may be unfamiliar, a deepfake is the amazing yet frightening technology that someday may become a huge part of film and television. It lays the face of one person over another oftentimes in a near-flawless manner.
These types of videos are why we love the internet, no network or streaming service can deliver content like this. The deepfake takes two icons of action cinema in Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger and puts them in the comedic roles made famous by John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell in the film Step-Brothers You can check out the video below.
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is it just me or does the combination of Sylvester Stallone and John C. Reilly sort of look like Christopher Lloyd from his days on Taxi. I wonder how many of you readers even know the show I’m referring to, as I barely remember it and have seen a handful of episodes at most when I was a kid.
Brian Monarch (YouTube Channel) is responsible for this video and to him I say, bravo. From concept to execution, well done all around. While this technology gives us hilarious gems such as the one above, imagine what it could be used for if I fell into the wrong hands. Which wouldn’t be difficult since it’s out there for anyone to use, even villains set on world domination. Once the voice aspect catches up with the face, careers could be ruined and world leaders could appear to declare war on other nations. And who knows what other nefarious shenanigans.
As a bonus, I’ve included what is my current favorite deepfake. I believe it’s Jamie Costa who is the one behind this fantastic Harrison Ford impression. Enjoy!
What are your thoughts on this video? Let us know in the comments down below!
Source: brianmonarch