Several weeks back, we were teased. There was a report going around that Christopher Nolan’s next movie would be a romantic thriller in the vein of North by Northwest. The studio later contacted us and told us that report was 100% false. So now here we are, having been teased by Nolan’s next film, and now left with little to no details other than a few casting tidbits to go off of.
We know that actor Robert Pattinson is involved in the role, and earlier this week, he expressed some genuine enthusiasm surrounding it…but do we have any other details? Speaking with AZ Central, Pattinson gave us just one other small bit of information — first discussing the importance of working with a good director before diving into the interesting tidbit.
“As an actor, the only bit of control is whether or not you’re doing a movie. Working with these important directors makes you feel more secure in the choices you’re making. Like, I’m doing a big movie with Christopher Nolan after this. It’s the craziest thing I’ve seen in years. It’s the length of three movies.”
RELATED – Robbert Pattinson Calls Script For Nolan’s Next Film ‘Unreal’
Okay, so that’s a weird way to describe a script’s length, right? Normally, you’d either give it a page length or running time? Not usually describe it in terms of the lengths of other movies. What exactly does he mean by that anyway? Is he saying it’s three hours long? Five hours long? I know it’s almost a stupid and arbitrary detail, but it’s hard not to overthink it when he says it so weird and it’s literally the only thing we know about it.
What do you make of Pattinson’s comments? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: AZ Central