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Start your day geek with LRMornings. LRM‘s daily morning show with Kyle and Jammer (or Christine) (or Brian). Join them as they discuss all things geek with a little news just for fun.
In today’s episode, Kyle and Jammer are joined Eric to discuss some semi-non-political-but-definitely-geo-political stuff, some serious changes COVID-19 can offer to crew members working on movie and television products, and Animal Crossing tasting differently digital than on hardcopy.
1/2 of the cover photo by CDC on Unsplash
Missed the last episode? Catch it here:
Question of the day: If you’re a contractor of any sort, how has this virus affected your schedule? Will you have to quit existing jobs early to maintain a schedule with upcoming jobs?
LRM Online contributor and active Army soldier Kyle Malone needs your help. CLICK HERE to lend a hand to the cause!