Dark Horse’s The Mask Returns To ‘Make America Green Again’

When you bring up The Mask, most people’s mind will automatically think of the popular 1994 film directed by Chuck Russell that starred Jim Carrey, Carmen Diaz and Peter Greene. Almost ten years later a forgettable sequel was made called Son of the Mask, directed by Lawrence Guterman, which starred Jamie Kennedy and Alan Cumming. But like a lot of our favorite film characters, this “smokin'” character made his first appearance in the pages of a comic book.

The character was first appeared over at Dark Horse and was created by it’s founder Mike Richardson and Mark Badger in 1987. The character has been quiet the past few years having last appeared in comics in 2015’s title Itty Bitty Comics: The Mask #1 by Art Baltazar and Franco, which was aimed at kids.

Yesterday, Dark Horse announced that this October, The Mask is returning in a four issue mini-series titled, The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask!, written by Christoper Cantwell, showrunner of AMC’s Halt and Catch Fire, with artwork by Patic Reynolds, colors by Lee Loughridge and letters by Nate Piekos. Check out the cover for the first issue by the books creative team.

Here is the summary provided by Dark Horse for The Mask mini-series:
Years ago, a weird mask of unknown origin and limitless power was buried in the cement of an apartment building’s basement floor. Edge City and its residents have all but forgotten the mysterious green-faced killer known only as “Big Head.” But now, decades later, the bizarre Tex Avery–style killings are happening all over again and are on a collision course with a bizarre political campaign where a homicidal maniac wants to “Make America Green Again”!

It’s a great character and I had always hoped that they would make a decent follow up to the first film, but that never happened. It will be interesting to see what approach the book takes as it already seems to be taking a shot at our current President, something very common in comic books in this day and age.

Will you be picking up this mini-series? Let us know in the comment section below!


Dark Horse’s The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask! hits comic book stands October 16th, 2019.

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Source: Dark Horse

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