Darth Vader And Episode IX Title Rumors And The “First” Female Sith | The Cantina

Welcome to The Cantina where we definitely server your kind. I’m your bartender Kyle Malone and I’m serving up tall glasses of nothing but Star Wars.  By now you know I am the dedicated, well versed in the EU, experienced gamer, and open-minded fan this world needs. I see the flaws in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, but also the great moments too. I know the importance of The Empire Strikes Back but see how strong Return of the Jedi is. I see that the prequels… well… we’ll get there… maybe. There’s nothing more satisfying than a great Star Wars story, and I want more! So here’s a glass of imported Killik Membrosia and a side of Nerf sliders, let’s chat

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What to do, what to say, what to think. As we draw ever nearer to the release of Episode IX we get more and more rumors and supposed leaks. Today we have a Darth Vader rumor and a title rumor for Episode IX. We’ll also discuss how Disney is behind the times in female representation for the Dark Side. Be aware, there are potential spoilers ahead.

Darth Vader is one of, if not the, GREATEST villains in cinema ever. Well, at least in four of the seven movies he’s appeared in. We’ve heard rumors of his appearance in the Sequel Trilogy before, and his burned helmet appeared in The Force Awakens, but this past week brought us two new rumors about Anakin’s dark persona being in Episode IX.

The first comes from The Express and deals with a supposed leak about a dream sequence Kylo Ren has involving his grandfather. The leak describes Kylo in a medical building looking for the source of painful screaming. He finds a room where Vader, without his mask, is having his mechanical arms and legs replaced. As Kylo gets closer to his grand-pappy a machine places Vader’s mask on his head. Apparently, Kylo then turns to leave before waking up in his chambers in a similar fashion to how Anakin did with his Padme’ nightmares.

This leak seems feasible to me. There are plenty of reasons for Kylo to have dreams about his grandfather. He has admitted to not just wanting to follow in his footsteps, but also to “finish” what Vader had started. This dream could be a great opening in my mind, or possibly the second scene in the movie that begins our catch up with Ren. I really like the idea of Kylo having an idealized vision of Vader, it helps drive his character better than following the teachings of Snoke, and I think it can help him be the next best Star Wars villain. This is one of the main reason’s I am glad Snoke died, it allows Kylo to be the star. The only thing better than Kylo being the big bad is Rey succumbing to the Dark side and Kylo killing her to save the galaxy. But other than that, I do not want him redeemed.


Star Wars Episode IX: Another Rumor… yes, I know we do these a lot, but they are fun. Today we discuss a title rumor, and it is… well you tell me. The rumor is that Episode IX will be titled, or was to be titled, The Order of Ren.

On the surface, this excited me. It means that Kylo is the big bad and that his story will have been the focus of this sage, which makes sense since he is the Skywalker of these movies. I know Rey has been a big part of these films, but if you look at it “from a certain point of view” you can see the focus on Kylo. From the subordinate and relatively meek apprentice in The Force Awakens to the opportunistic Supreme Leader at the end of The Last Jedi Kylo has had the best arc of the last two films. On the other hand, this title has me worried. I feel it is almost too late to bring the Knights of Ren to the big screen. It may take too much time to properly explain them, add that to the thoughts they’ll try to “fix” The Last Jedi during this movie and you can see it being a mess. The more you try to introduce this late in the story, the more danger you’re in of leaving us feeling incomplete.

In the end, all I really want is a satisfying end to the greatest entertainment story ever told. I love Star Wars and all I can think of is how divisive and stressful The Last Jedi was too me, and how I want Episode IX to be better than both VII and VIII. A focus on Rey and Kylo would be great, especially with Kylo being nonredeemable and the ultimate bad guy.


How many of you read the Extended Universe novels? Who read all the way through the Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi book series’? If you did then you know that female Sith are not that big of a deal. Neither were female Sith Masters. Vestara was a great character and her interactions with Luke and Ben Skywalker created great tension. Well enough about the past, let’s look at the future!

Disney and Marvel finally figured it was time to not just have some badass females with lightsabers, but to actually have some BAD females with master level lightsaber… skills. That’s right, Disney is delivering the first, new canon, female Sith master. She appears in the current ongoing Darth Vader comic, issue #22. Her name is Lady Shaa.

Now I’ll be honest about how I loved the first Darth Vader comic from Kieron Gillen, but after the first five issues of this current book, I felt it was unneeded. It felt like a money grab from Disney and Marvel. Gillen told an amazing story and introduced Dr. Aphra, who I adored, and yet Marvel felt the need to basically negate that and start all over again. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate what has happened in this book.

Shaa is introduced through the Sith Lord Momin. She was his master and like all “good” Sith he kills her. However, unlike Palpatine, who was a punk-ass, Momin does it in combat. That’s right, I’m calling the guy who murdered his defenseless master but becomes the Emperor a punk-ass.

Lady Shaa comes off as a legitimate badass, and I can foresee Marvel doing a Shaa mini-series, but I find it upsetting that we only learn about her from Momin. I would have preferred her to be explained via a holocron or some other device. This would allow her to be more of a focus than being told by another character.

That’s it for today folks. You don’t have to jump home, but you can’t stay here. Look for my Thrawn Trilogy review coming soon. Now get out of here before I call IG-88 to clear you out!

What do you think of these rumors? How about the introduction of lady Shaa? Let me know in the comments below, and May The Force Be With You!

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SOURCES: ExpressExpressMarvel

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