Hellboy fans were saddened to learn that Neil Marshall’s R-Rated, reboot of Mike Mignola’s character would be pushed back to January 2019. The upside of this news is that the cast and crew have far more time to refine the script and take their time making an awesome, epic Hellboy movie. See, you’re feeling better already, right? Me neither.
Actor David Harbour (Revolutionary Road) will inhabit Hellboy, and this extended schedule is giving him more time to work off that Stranger Things boiler he was carrying around — getting ripped and jacked after 40 is no joke, I assure you!
Related – Hellboy Gets Early January 2019 Release Date
Harbour appeared at the Dubai International Film Festival and talked with Variety about his preparation and expectations for Hellboy:
“It’s the most physical role I’ve ever played. The stunts are incredible, and the action is really incredible, and I’m way too old to be doing that stuff. [Additionally] it’s two to two-and-a-half hours in a chair every morning being painted red with all these prosthetics.”
I’m sure no one’s shedding a tear for Harbour, considering the amazing cast assembled for this movie and the fantastic characters they’ll be playing. Additionally, Harbour also relates that he read the Hellboy and superhero graphic novels in his 20s, and he describes how their mythology appeals to him; he connects ancient Greek heroes like Achilles and Agamemnon with modern equivalents like Captain America and Superman:
“‘They are mythos, so I wanted to be involved in that conversation,’ he said of bringing the comics to life. ‘These movies have been of a certain brand, with ‘Deadpool’ and ‘Logan,’ they are trying to do different things. So we are trying to do our own brand of that. I was really excited by that concept — to make a real monster movie that’s dark and scary and about the end of the world.'”
Those are some cool insights, but unfortunately for now that’s all we’ve got to tide us over through the next calendar year, until the inevitable marketing crush of teasers, trailers, featurettes, and interviews that will start emerging sometime next fall. As an aside, Harbour has been in the industry since 2002, grinding away on small TV and film roles; it’s great to see that kind of work ethic rewarded, particularly for someone who seems like a sincere and grounded person. Harbour is a proven actor, and if Stranger Things wasn’t his big breakout moment, then Hellboy will almost certainly get the job done.
How do you feel about David Harbour’s approach to Hellboy? Let us know in the comments down below!
Hellboy hits theaters on January 11, 2019.
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SOURCE: Variety