The general attitude towards the superhero genre has changed demonstratively in the last decade. Previous to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and The Dark Knight Trilogy, A-list talent both behind and in front of cameras were passively and actively dismissive of “comic book movies” as an inferior entry in the film medium. There may have been a modicum of truth to this assertion back in the late 80s and early 90s. Films in development then had a hard time attracting stars, who found such ventures beneath them. But, a lot has changed since then, and another point of evidence is a recent interview between Denzel Washington and, which you can view above.
At about the 2:10 mark, Washington is asked point-blank, as I’m sure he has been several times, about his interest in being in a superhero movie. After he claims he has never been approached by DC or Marvel (something I’m slightly dubious about, but that’s beside the point), his response can be summed up by his line “never say never” paired with that marvelously charismatic smile.
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While this doesn’t at all mean Washington will be slipping into tights or donning a green ring of power anytime soon, it’s another important note in understanding just how much the superhero genre has grown and matured, along with how it is perceived. Twelve years ago, the notion of Glenn Close playing Nova Prime, Robert Redford as a HYDRA sleeper agent, Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One, or Angela Bassett as Black Panther’s mother would have seemed near preposterous. And I would bet if the same question had been posed to Washington at that time, he would have graciously laughed off the idea saying it didn’t interest him. Today, Washington sounds legitimately enthused.
As for who Washington could and would play, we only have fan-based wish fulfillment to spark speculation. A few ideas that spring to mind include the Green Lantern John Stewart, Moses Magnum or Namor the Submariner (both of whom would make excellent Black Panther 2 villains), or maybe you go big and try to get him to play Doctor Doom as the major MCU threat post-Thanos and post-Fox merger. There’s also an Adam Warlock that needs casting for Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3. I will say, now that Washington has expressed interest publicly about joining a superhero film, if he truly didn’t get offers before, that’s about to change.
Who would you like to see Denzel Washington play, should he join the comic book ranks?
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