Somehow, there’s actually a Detective Pikachu happening. Rather than go with a traditional Pokémon trainer story for the first Pokémon feature film, we’re going with this off-the-beaten-path video game adaptation — for a game that hasn’t even hit the U.S. yet, no less.
The film has locked down its core cast, which includes the likes of Ryan Reynolds (as Pikachu) and Ken Watanabe. Previous reports indicated that the film would begin filming in the middle of January, and if these new set photos are to be believed, that report was indeed accurate.
Twitter user HowardBud apparently stumbled across a series of props in London, and took to the social media service to show them off.
There are a few things of note. First off is the name of the city: Ryme City. This wouldn’t be a huge surprise, as this is the name of the city in the video game, but it’s still kind of a cool confirmation.
The bigger thing to look at in these photos, however, is the photo of what looks like a whiteboard with postings on it. On it, we see photos of Machoke, Graveller, and Pancham. Granted, these are just drawings, but if this photo is indeed from the set, it looks like they’re being pretty darn faithful with the actual look of the Pokémon.
What do you think of these initial set photos? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: HowardBud