Pixar Animation Studios first-ever original series, Win or Lose, is set to premiere on Disney+ on February 19. The highly anticipated show follows the intertwined stories of eight unique characters as they navigate the highs and lows leading up to a championship softball game.
Win or Lose promises to deliver a blend of comedy, emotion, and innovative animation that Pixar is known for. The series is spearheaded by Carrie Hobson and Michael Yates, who not only wrote and directed the project but also served as executive producers. Drawing from personal experience, Hobson revealed that her own background in softball heavily influenced the creation of the series. “I played softball growing up,” Hobson shared. “Inspired by that experience, we felt fast-pitch softball was the perfect backdrop for the show. There are so many facets to playing sports that I love—it can bring out the best and worst of a person. The calmest person can lose their temper. And when it comes to winning and losing—the consequences are nothing, and yet, they’re everything.”
The show’s unique structure highlights different perspectives on the same event, a concept that originated during Hobson and Yates’ time as story artists on Toy Story 4. Yates recalled their collaborative process: “We were officemates and would discuss everything from film scenes to current events. We’d often have completely different reactions to the same meeting or scenario. That realization—that our individual experiences shape our perceptions—became the foundation for this series.”
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The voice cast for Win or Lose is a star-studded lineup featuring Will Forte, Rosie Foss, Josh Thomson, Milan Elizabeth Ray, Rosa Salazar, Dorien Watson, Izaac Wang, Chanel Stewart, Lil Rel Howery, Melissa Villaseñor, Jo Firestone, Flula Borg, Kyleigh Curran, Jaylin Fletcher, Erin Keif, Tom Law, Beck Nolan, Orion Tran, and Rhea Seehorn.
Adding to the series’ appeal is its music, with a score by Emmy-winning composer Ramin Djawadi (Game of Thrones) and original songs by CAMPFIRE and Djawadi.
Win or Lose is produced by David Lally and brings an innovative storytelling approach to the small screen, blending humor, heartfelt moments, and unique animation styles to captivate audiences of all ages. Softball fans and animation enthusiasts alike won’t want to miss this groundbreaking series when it debuts on Disney+ next month.