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District 9 Director Plans On Making Another Film Set In The Same Universe

District 9 was an impressive first feature film for writer/director Neill Blomkamp. Produced for only $30 million, the film grossed over $200 million worldwide upon its release in 2009. In addition to being a very well-made, and fresh, sci-fi film that looked way more expensive than it was, District 9 tackled heavy subject matter and offered social commentary in a manner that rivals Star Trek‘s stronger episodes.  Good science fiction should have a message, people. Though none of Blomkamp’s films following District 9 had the same level of critical success, or love from fans, they have continued his very specific aesthetic of a less than desirable future/alternate present.

The Verge sat down with Neill Blomkamp to discuss his new studio, and the director revealed plans to return to the world of District 9, even though he would not be doing it with his own Oats Studio, due to rights issues:

“With District 9, I plan on making another film in that world. To go back and work with WETA, and make the film would be cool, but anything that pre-exists like that may not be the best fit for whatever we’re trying here.”

District 9 presented a very interesting world indeed, with stranded aliens forced to live in slum-like conditions in Johannesburg, South Africa. The original film left several options for a direct sequel, though simply setting another film in the same universe wouldn’t be a terrible way to go. Who knows what else is going on in a world that has known of the existence of aliens since their arrival in 1982? Or, what is happening elsewhere in the universe following the events of District 9?

Would you want to see a sequel, or a spinoff of District 9 be about? Or would you rather that film remain “one and done?” Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

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SOURCE: The Verge

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