By now, we’ve all heard that Marvel Studios plans on going in new and strange directions with their slates for Phases 3 and 4. While they’ve been criticized for being somewhat safe for the last few years, Kevin Feige and the folks at Marvel look like they want to switch things up. The first big indication of that was the dark, humor-free, INCEPTION-esque trailer for DOCTOR STRANGE. Now screenwriter C. Robert Carghill is letting the world know that the trailer was nothing compared to what the film is going to end up being. He also shed some light on exactly how far Marvel was willing to stray from its own beaten path.
On the teaser:
“This teaser is, it’s the definition of a teaser. You are only getting a like as mall taste of just how crazy this movie gets. We have only just the slightest hints of magic in there. There are major characters you don’t even glimpse in that trailer, there is so much stuff going on, that this thing is just nutty, the stuff they let us do, I can’t believe they let us do it. Like, just, … Kevin Feige and other producers like Stephen Broussard would be ‘How can we make it crazier?’ and I was like ‘Aw right, let’s play around.’ It’s just a hell of an experience.”
Even beyond a desire for something crazy, was a mandate for something different, says Carghill.
“The one thing that Marvel really wanted to do with this one was let the movie kind of stand on its own. They’re aware that several of their movies are starting to feel cluttered… there’s a joke that these movies are essentially two hour-long commercials for their next two-hour long commercials, and that’s not what they want to be.
There was no pressure for, ‘Hey can you use add in this character, can you tie into this and this event?’ The one pressure there was, was ‘No, we’ve already played around with that idea in this move and we don’t like repeating ourselves so let’s not do that, and no we don’t want this, we want to do something fresh, instead of it feeling like this character.’ And so yeah, the big pressure was to do something different and fresh. The fact that this trailer looks unlike everything else is what they would really like Phase 3 and Phase 4 to be. They want these movies to run the gambit of looks and feels. They don’t want that one Marvel Movie look and feel. They want all of these characters to exist in their own worlds the same way the comics exist as the comics.”
This ties in to what I wrote about earlier today, regarding Jon Favreau. Marvel is pushing themselves, and they’re letting directors explore uncharted territory now.
Carghill also thinks that DOCTOR STRANGE‘s story is really going to connect with audiences.
“The key is, the main thing about Doctor Strange is that he’s got such a great story, he’s got such a great arc…he’s just such a cool character. But it’s a superhero story, but it’s also a fantasy film, so if you’re like ‘Man, I don’t want to watch people fly around and shoot lasers at each other and just watch robots hit each other, I want to watch a fantasy film, I want something like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings,’ you get a whole taste of that with Dr. Strange because it’s all very, it’s a very magical fantasy universe, but at the same time it plays by some of the superhero tropes that people enjoy.”
The writer also seems to get a kick out of the comparisons to Christopher Nolan’s work in BATMAN BEGINS and INCEPTION.
“We are tackling the origin story, because the origin story is so awesome that Christopher Nolan ripped half of it off for Batman Begins.”
We’ll get to see exactly how far director Scott Derrickson, Carghill, and Marvel are willing to go when DOCTOR STRANGE comes out on November 4.
SOURCE: MCU Exchange