Every now and then, a little surprise pops into theaters with little knowledge or fanfare from the consumers. These aren’t your big blockbusters or superhero vehicles, but rather low budget horror ones that live off an impressive and engaging premise. Such was the case with 2016’s Don’t Breathe, a $10 million horror-thriller that turned the formula on its head, bringing in an impressive $157 million worldwide.
Don’t Breathe follows three burglars in their attempts to rob a blind man…well, blind. It doesn’t take long before they realized they messed with the wrong man. Very quickly it turns into a fight for survival.
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Given its performance and low budget, it seemed inevitable that they’d make a sequel to it, and we’ve even heard rumors. But until now, there’s been no official word.
Now, speaking with Screen Rant, the film’s star, Stephen Lang, confirmed that they were working on a follow-up, saying, “Oh yeah, we’re doing a sequel.”
While horror films are usually conducive to sequels, this is especially the case with Don’t Breathe, which left things open for certain characters to potentially clash in the future (without spoiling). Of course, the downside here is that you’re losing a little bit of surprise this time around, and audiences will go in expecting a very specific experience, and if this film doesn’t deliver, it may lead to disappointment.
Would you like to see Don’t Breathe 2: Breathe Less? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Screen Rant