A couple years back, Warner Bros. released the surprisingly strong Tom Cruise flick, Edge of Tomorrow. Unfortunately, the film had been plagued with a dull name and subpar marketing, and as such, most audience members didn’t go out to see the film in theaters. It wasn’t until after the word of mouth started to make its way among fans that they started to make their way out. While it did give the film a longer tail at the theaters, it didn’t help much in making the studio money.
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Things started to pick up more in home sales, and it’s because of that success that
we’re even talking about a sequel now. But the film didn’t make it to home release unchanged. One major key differences film fans likely noticed upon the film’s Blu-ray release was the change in title. It was changed from Edge of Tomorrow to Live Die Repeat. So what was the reason behind this change? At the time, it was assumed this was a last ditch marketing push to help trick audiences into thinking they’d missed a film in its theater run, but in his interview with Den of Geek, director Doug Liman tells a different story as to why the name was changed.
“So the book was called All You Need Is Kill. Japanese. I was making a comedy – an action comedy, and All You Need Is Kill didn’t feel like it was the tone of the movie I had made. The studio wanted to call it Edge Of Tomorrow, and I wanted to call it Live Die Repeat. I fought vehemently and lost. And then when the film came out and people loved it but the box office wasn’t as good as it should have been, I really railed into the executive at Warner Bros who’d insisted that Edge Of Tomorrow was the better title.
“I was like, ‘It clearly is not. You were wrong.’ I committed the cardinal sin of telling somebody in Hollywood when they’re wrong, like, literally – I ended up having to call the person and apologize for pointing out that they were wrong. And they started titling it the title I always thought it should have, which is Live Die Repeat. But they tiptoed around it, and when we make the sequel, it’ll be permanently titled Live Die Repeat. The sequel will be Live Die Repeat and Repeat.”
So it sounds like the clash between titles Edge of Tomorrow and Live Die Repeat has origins beyond the Blu-ray release of the film, but there’s a much bigger takeaway from this. Now, Liman seems to have a real sense of vindication going on. The film was well received but disappointed while under the Edge of Tomorrow title. Now, it sounds like Warner Bros. will be listening to his titling advice going forward, which is awful, since Liman seems dead set on the awful sequel title, Live Die Repeat and Repeat.
While I personally have no suggestion for a better title, I was holding out that some executive would tell him that the name was a stupid one, but in that comment, all my hope was dashed. For better or worse, this film sounds like it’ll be called Live Die Repeat and Repeat. Luckily for us, Liman’s still an ace filmmaker, and regardless of what the film’s called, I think we’ll be in for a real treat when it hits theaters.
Are you worried about the title for the sequel? What do you think of Liman’s tale behind Edge of Tomorrow? Sound off down below!
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SOURCE: Den of Geek