Despite Ready Player One being a film that should cater to the fan-rich culture in which we live, it’s been the popular thing to hate on it long before it’s even hit theaters. I’ve even been skeptical of its overall quality — though that’s been more to do with its marketing than it has with the material itself.
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A couple weekends back, the film premiered at SXSW, and thus far, the reception has been overwhelmingly positive. While some may chalk this up to audiences getting caught up in the glamor of festival life, the jury is still out on that one. But there is one other respected filmmaker who had nothing but praise for this movie.
“Still processing the audio visual feast that is Spielberg’s Ready Player One. It has several scenes that confirm again him as the master of blocking action set pieces (big and small). And given this must have been a gargantuan VFX challenge it could really be called The Post.”
It’s worth noting that Wright never praised the quality of the storytelling, but marveled at the steady hand with which the visuals were handled. All the same, it’s clear that the spectacle itself is at least one reason to get excited for the movie. Whether or not you can stomach all the pop culture references is another matter altogether.
Ready Player One hits theaters on March 29, 2018.
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SOURCE: Edgar Wright