Aside from Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and Baby Driver, Edgar Wright’s biggest films have been collaborations with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, including Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World’s End. The three films make up the Cornetto Trilogy, connected by the consistent appearance of the popular brand of ice cream. Yet, the biggest similarities between the films is they are all near perfect parodies of different genres, made with such love and respect that they are also among the best entries in that given genre.
Hot Fuzz is my favorite film of Wright’s. Co-written by Simon Pegg, it follows London cop Nicholas Angel, who is transferred to a quiet English village where he feels his talents are lost, until a dark conspiracy is revealed under the surface of the peaceful town. Parodying my favorite sub-genre, the buddy cop film, Hot Fuzz contains plenty of laughs, but is played so seriously by Pegg and features action scenes (and regular scenes) cut like the most intense action film. If I could have a sequel to any Edgar Wright film, it would be Hot Fuzz.
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But, Wright has yet to direct an actual sequel, so has Hot Fuzz 2 ever even been on the brilliant writer/director’s mind? MovieWeb caught up with Wright, who had this to say about Hot Fuzz 2:
“I’ve definitely had some ideas and me and Simon have even talked about it at points, but it’s that thing of, do I want to spend three years of my life doing that? Or do I wanna, if I have the opportunity to tell a new story, would I do that? If somebody said to me, if Baby Driver 2, if that kind of came up, it would be like, “I have ideas.” I would never say never, and you’re not wrong to say that that’s the one that you could do further installments.”
That answer doesn’t give me too much hope for a sequel to the wonderful 2007 film, as it sounds like Wright really isn’t interested in sequels. Wright went on to explain why a sequel to Hot Fuzz may be unnecessary and difficult to pull off:
“It’s funny. I think the thing with sequels is that I’ve always been looking for what’s next? And the thing with any movie is, it’s going to take up at least two years of your life. Maybe three. So, when you’ve got youth on your side, and I’m already in my forties now, it’s like, I guess I would rather be telling new stories than revisiting old ones…Hot Fuzz I think is the only one of the Cornetto trilogy that you could do a follow-up. The tricky thing with a lot of sequels, and especially comedy sequels, is once characters have finished an arc. You know, in Hot Fuzz Danny Butterman especially, Nicholas Angel becomes less of an automaton and becomes more human and Nick Frost’s character becomes less of a simpleton and more of a badass. So then the thing is like, when that’s your starting point for the next one, where do you go from there?”
I suppose the news I should be hoping for is another Wright collaboration with Pegg and Frost. It would allow me to see something familiar, similar to the rest of the Cornetto Trilogy, while giving Edgar Wright more freedom, and flawed characters to start the film with. But, I fear that to may be too much to ask for, as Pegg and Wright continue to move onto bigger projects like Baby Driver for Wright, and Pegg’s continued involvement in the Star Trek and Mission: Impossible franchises.
Would you jump at the chance to see Hot Fuzz 2? What direction would you recommend Wright take if he decides it is a worthwhile project? Let us know in the comment section below!
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SOURCE: MovieWeb
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