Game of Thrones fans are undoubtedly a bit perturbed that there are only 13 episodes left of the acclaimed series. After seasons and seasons of story, we are finally getting the resolutions we were so desperately seeking, but at the cost of longer seasons.
But don’t worry. The end may be near, but don’t think yourself completely cheated. While we may be getting fewer episodes than ever before in the upcoming season, we’ll also be getting some of the longest episodes of the series yet. Thanks to the eagle-eyed Watchers on the Wall, who have been scouring HBO’s site, we now have the episode length for each of the episodes of Season 7 of the show.
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Here’s what the episodes will clock in at:
- Episode 1: 59 minutes
- Episode 2: 59 minutes
- Episode 3: 63 minutes
- Episode 4: 50 minutes
- Episode 5: 59 minutes
- Episode 6: 71 minutes
- Episode 7: 81 minutes
Now, the first five episodes are relatively par for the course, coming in at around an hour or so in length. Episode 3 is a bit on the longer end, with 63 minutes, and Episode 4 is pretty short, only coming in at 50 minutes. However, the big episodes of note are 6 an 7, which will come in at 71 and 81 minutes, respectively, both well above the current record-holding length of the Season 6 finale, which was 68 minutes in length.
So how does this all measure up in previous seasons in terms of standard season length? Well, it’s not really a contest. Previous seasons average at around 9 hours and 15 minutes, and this one will only be 7 hours and 20 minutes. However, given that previous seasons were 10 episodes, that still makes the average episode much longer.
All in all, we don’t think many fans will feel cheated, thanks to the sheer length of some of these episodes, which are almost the length of full movies at this point.
What do you think? Are you happy to see these episode lengths fall on the longer side? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: HBO (via Watchers on the Wall)
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